The 13th edition of The Specialized Agricultural Exhibition BATA AGRO, organized by the Bulgarian Association of Traders of Agro Machinery, will be held from May 11 to May 15 at Stara Zagora Airport. The exhibition is a jubilee as it marks 10 years since the first edition of BATA AGRO.
In 2020, the agriculture forum will be extended for a total of 5 working days, so that for farmers it will be even more convenient to visit BATA AGRO.
The registration for participation began on July 22 for companies that will demonstrate seeds, fertilizers and plant protection products on crop trial fields. This concept was introduced for the first time in the format of the exhibition this year, with plans for 2020 for an even more active presence of this business sector. In this way, visitors will be able to see a wider portfolio of agricultural products and services – both the world’s largest brands of agricultural machinery and machine demonstrations, and the performance of seeds and plant protection products in real, field conditions. This enables farmers to make a direct comparison of the different crop methods.
BATA AGRO 2020 will keep the compact format of exhibition areas from 2019, focusing on demonstration and crop fields at the center of the fair. The mandatory registration for visitors remains.
For exhibitors with standard exhibition areas, a convenient and modern online registration platform is being introduced. This way, they will be able to manage all the details of their participation online with their company account. Registration for them will start in the fall.
The 12th Specialized Agricultural Exhibition BATA AGRO 2019 will be the largest edition of the exhibition so far. 186 companies from the agro-sector on over 37,500 sq. m of exhibition area will take part in it.
Our exhibitors are representatives of the most famous brands of agricultural machinery and companies from all agro sectors. We invite farmers and those wishing to be informed about new technologies to visit BATA AGRO in Stara Zagora from 14th to 17th May.
See all exhibitors in the online catalogue
Η Ελληνική Εταιρία Διοικήσεως Επιχειρήσεων (ΕΕΔΕ) στο πλαίσιο του Έργου “BalkanMed e-BP”, διοργανώνει το 1ο Διακρατικό Επιχειρηματικό Forum με Συναντήσεις B2B διάρκειας 2 ημερών, την Τρίτη 26 και την Τετάρτη 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2019, στο Συνεδριακό Κέντρο της ΕΕΔΕ «Γ. Κοντογεώργης» (Λ. Ιωνίας 200 & Ιακωβάτων 61, 111 44 Αθήνα) και προσκαλεί Έλληνες εκπροσώπους επιχειρήσεων & επιχειρηματίες με σκοπό την δημιουργία νέων συνεργασιών και επιχειρηματικών σχέσεων με εκπροσώπους επιχειρήσεων από τις χώρες που συμμετέχουν στο Έργο (Αλβανία, Βουλγαρία, ΠΓΔΜ και Κύπρος).
Brussels, 11 October 2019 / The Commission has published today a list of 20 regulated quarantine pests qualifying as priority pests, including Xylella fastidiosa, the Japanesebeetle, the Asian long-horned beetle, Citrus greening and Citrus Black Spot, whose economic, environmental and social impact on EU's territory is the most severe. Member States will have to launch information campaigns to the public, do annual surveys, prepare contingency plans, simulation exercises, and action plans for the eradication of these pests.
Despite the difficult global economic climate, European companies have continued to make good use of the opportunities created by the European Union's trade network - the largest in the world. In 2018 this network covered 31% of Europe's trade exchanges, a figure that is set to rise significantly (to almost 40%) as more trade agreements enter into force, according to the European Commission's annual report on the implementation of trade agreements released today. Overall, trade accounts for 35% of the EU's gross domestic product (GDP).
Brussels, 17 October 2019 / The European Vocational Skills Week 2019 taking place in Helsinki comes to an end. This year, 1,407 associated events and activities have been held across Europe so far and have helped the European Vocational Skills Week campaign to reach 2.5 million people, which is the highest number ever since the first edition in 2016.
The Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan, has played a key role in boosting jobs and growth in the EU. Investments by the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group backed by the Juncker Plan's European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) have increased EU gross domestic product (GDP) by 0.9% and added 1.1 million jobs compared to the baseline scenario. By 2022, the Juncker Plan will have increased EU GDP by 1.8% and added 1.7 million jobs. These are the latest calculations by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Economics Department of the EIB Group, based on financing agreements approved until the end of June 2019.
Brussels, 22 October 2019 The European Commission adopted today its latest report on steps taken by Bulgaria to meet its commitments on judicial reform, the fight against corruption and tackling organised crime, in the context of the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM).
Brussels, 22 October 2019 The European Commission has exceeded the target set by President Jean-Claude Juncker in 2014 committing that, by the end of his mandate, 40% of the Commission's middle and senior managers should be women. According to the latest data, female managers at all levels currently stand at 41%, up from 30% at the beginning of the mandate. This is an increase of 37%. The figure is even higher at the level of the most numerous managers in the Commission, the middle managers or Heads of Unit. At present, 42% of them are women, up from 31% when the Juncker Commission took office. These achievements place the Commission amongst the public administrations around the world with the highest share of women in leadership positions.
The fairgrounds is the largest in Southeast Europe with a total area of 352 000 square meters. It combines a comfortable base, up-to-date infrastructure and services that meet the highest standards in the exhibition industry and create a comfortable environment for the exhibitors. The fairgrounds offers excellent conditions for presentation of the companies and their products attractive locations for expositions of all kinds of goods demo zones for machinery in action advertising spots for effective messages full service for exhibitors and visitors organizing events with a different profile
Bulgarian Association of Traders of Agromachinery – BATA AGRO is a professional organization that brings together companies, authorized by the manufacturer to import and distributе self-propelled and attached agrotechnics in the territory of Bulgaria.
BG-ENVIRONMENT: Small Grant Scheme circular economy
BG-INNOVATION: Second Call Green Industry Innovation :Scheme for Individual Project Propolsals
BG-BF: Travel support scheme under the Fund for Bilateral Relations
European Union countries can now apply for additional funding via the Emergency Support Instrument to transport essential goods, medical teams and patients affected by the coronavirus. This comes in addition to support already available via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and deliveries of protective equipment through rescEU.
Yesterday 17 thh June, The Commission has published its yearly Communication on the progress of management of fish stocks in the EU, which is based on data from 2018. This year's edition, “Towards more sustainable fishing in the EU: state of play and orientations for 2021”, reaffirms the Commission's strong commitment to promoting fisheries that are environmentally sustainable and economically viable, and shows the EU's progress in achieving that goal.
АРЧР има удоволствието да Ви честити първата година от създаването и стартирането на бизнес платформата! С пожелание за още много и все по-успешни бизнес начинания и реализирани съвместни проекти!
Under the scheme, companies will be entitled to compensation of the damages incurred in the form of direct grants. The compensation will cover up to 100% of the difference between the operating results of the company concerned during the compensation period and its operating results in a reference period before the coronavirus outbreak.
The Commission has yesterday proposed an EU budget of €166.7 billion for 2021, to be complemented by €211 billion in grants and approximately €133 billion in loans under Next Generation EU, the temporary recovery instrument aimed at mobilising investments and kick-starting the European economy.
Нови условия за средните предприятия, за да получат безвъзмездна помощ за преодоляване на последствията от коронавируса, предвиждат промени в процедура за подбор на проекти „Подкрепа за средни предприятия за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19", качени за обществено обсъждане.
Във връзка с развитието на дейността си компанията „Астра Биоплант“ ЕООД в Сливо поле търси да назначи 25 работници в своите производствени центрове в Индустриална зона „Тегра“ и Сливо поле.
From establishing and managing patent portfolios, to supporting companies through funding rounds, takeovers, IPOs and product commercialisation, Reddie & Grose’s breadth of experience makes us the perfect partner for any company who wants intel
MedTecLIVE exhibition and MedTech Summit Congress & Partnering bring Europe's healthcare and medical technology experts to Nuremberg. Due to the Corona crisis the whole event will take place virtual.
Enterprise Europe Network Serbia with the support of its partners from North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosnia-Herzegovina and invites entrepreneurs, local stakeholders, and innovators to participate in B2B Matchmaking Event on July 1st, 2020.
Under the Patronage of Ministry of Commerce & Industry - State of Qatar
The virtual networking event is organised in the framework of NANOTEXNOLOGY 2020 Virtual and it will take place on the 8th of July 2020.The event is organised by PRAXI Network, coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network - Hellas.
The College presented on 8 July two EU strategies crucial for the implementation of the European Green Deal: the EU Strategy for Energy System Integration and the EU Hydrogen Strategy.
The European Commission has adopted a White Paper dealing with the distortive effects caused by foreign subsidies in the Single Market. The Commission now seeks views and input from all stakeholders on the options set out in the White Paper. The public consultation, which will be open until 23 September 2020, will help the Commission to prepare for appropriate legislative proposals in this area.
На 24 юни 2020 Комисията предложи бюджет на ЕС за 2021 г. на стойност 166,7 милиарда евро, който ще бъде допълнен с 211 милиарда евро под формата на безвъзмездни средства и приблизително 133 милиарда евро под формата на заеми по линия на Next Generation EU — временния инструмент за възстановяване, имащ за цел да бъдат мобилизирани инвестиции и да бъде даден тласък на европейската икономика. Годишният бюджет и Next Generation EU съвместно ще мобилизират през 2021 г. значителни по размер инвестиции, които ще послужат за преодоляване на непосредствените икономически и социални последици от пандемията от коронавируса, за даване на тласък на устойчиво възстановяване и за защита и създаване на работни места. Бюджетът е също така изцяло съобразен с ангажимента за инвестиране в бъдещето, за да се постигне една по-екологична, по-цифровизирана и устойчива Европа.
LinkedIn has launched a new service aimed at freelancers and small businesses, seeking to capitalise on its burgeoning membership. The social media giant recently reached 660 million users worldwide.
Изпълнителната агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия към министъра на икономиката на Република България съобщава, че от 10.00 часа на 31 август 2020 г. до 16.30 часа на 30 септември 2020 г. българските компании ще могат да подават своите документи за кандидатстване за безвъзмездна финансова помощ по процедура BG16RFOP002-2.083 „Ваучерна схема за предоставяне на услуги за информационни и комуникационни технологии (ИКТ) на МСП “, финансирана от Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“.
The European Commission has presented proposals to the Council for decisions to grant financial support of €81.4 billion to 15 Member States under the SURE instrument.
Донау транзит ООД изгражда складова база на бул. „Тутракан“ № 34, Русе, която ще бъде завършена скоро. През ноември миналата година започна работата на строителната площадка, като срокът за завършване на административната сграда с база за обработка и експедиция на товари е определен на 8 месеца. Строителството е разделено на три етапа – изграждането на административната сграда и склад, строителство на склад, строителство на склад и ВиК – отклонения.
Уважаеми Дами и Господа, Имаме удоволствието да Ви поканим да участвате в онлайн обучение на тема „Интелектуалната собственост в подкрепа на международната търговия“, организирано от Бизнес център за подпомагане на малки и средни предприятия – Русе и АРК Консултинг ЕООД, членове на международната мрежа Enterprise Europe Network. Обучението е безплатно и ще се проведе на 10 септември 2020 г. изцяло онлайн. Обучението е насочено към представители на сектори селско стопанство и агро-храни, но участие в него могат да вземат всички други, които се интересуват от темата. Участниците ще бъдат запознати с основите на интелектуалната собственост – нейните разновидности, характеристики, предимства, защита. Ще бъде обърнато специално внимание на търговските марки и географските означения като инструменти за бизнес и интернационализация.
Най-растящата компания за 2019 г. в сектор горива е рафинерията за биодизел в Сливо поле "Астра биоплант", съобщава "Капитал". Групата за биодизел е с един и същ собственик и с търговеца на пропан-бутан "Булмаркет ДМ", който също отчита ръст от 16% и се занимава с производството на технически масла за индустрията и биодизел.
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Enterprise Europe Network към Бизнес център за подпомагане на малки и средни предприятия – Русе кани производители и търговци на дограма и щори да участват в международно виртуално изложение Future Frame 2020, коeто ще се проведе на 25 и 26 ноември 2020г.
Enterprise Europe Network - Русе кани фирми и всички други желаещи да участват в безплатно практическо онлайн обучение "Всеки може да бъде въздействащ презентатор – практически съвети, с които да развиете умението си да представяте убедително себе си, фирмата си и своите идеи пред български и международни партньори”, организирано от Enterprise Europe Network - Добрич.
Европейската комисия обяви във вторник създаването на онлайн портал Access2Markets в подкрепа на малките и средни компании да търгуват извън границите на Европейския съюз.
Enterprise Europe Network - Ruse at the Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises – Ruse, Bulgaria has the honour to invite You to the Virtual Brokerage Event Creativity and Gaming 2020, which will take place on 10 November 2020.
Бизнес център за малки и средни предприятия – Русе организира поредица от виртуални събития в сектор храни и селско стопанство, които ще се проведат на 29.10.2020 и 18.11.2020.
Дружество за производство на матраци влезе в бившата фабрика на „Стефани стил“ на бул. „Тутракан“ № 5 в Русе. БРН Слийп продъктс България ЕООД вече набира работници за производството си в града и населените места на общината.
След успешните събития през месец октомври, Бизнес център за малки и средни предприятия – Русе организира още един виртуален Иновационен форум и брокерско събитие в сектор храни и селско стопанство, които ще се проведат на 18.11.2020.
Компанията за автомобилен интериор „БАДЕР България“ получи сертификат за инвеститор клас „А“ за проект, който ще се реализира в Русе.…/beb_0221.pdf
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България скоро ще има своя първи завод за производство на електрически коли.
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BalkanMed E-Business Pages is a project, within the INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean Inter-regional Cooperative Program 2014-2020. The participating countries in this Program are: Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania. The project has one partner organization in all participating countries. Project implementation extends in the period August 2017 - July 2019.
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